In the middle of the journey...

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In the middle of the journey...

News: Practice of every companies is an evaluation at the end of 1^ semester to verify the aims achieved and to define the next steps during the second half year to achieve all others aims. In Punto Netto we have done this important work also and we would like to share it with you, with full transparency . Professionally, this first semester has brought the placement of Punto Netto in all FIAT plant of the North Italy: Punto Netto is present at Mirafiori Mechanical and bodywork in Torino, at Maserati in Grugliasco, at FGA in Verrone. Obviously, for these new plants, the orders are changeable yet but we believe in a progressive and constant improvement. However the number of open yards, at all plants, have increased, compared with the first semester of the year before, of 37% despite 2 plants that are stagnant at the re-started. The number of customers is in increasing of +6% with a consolidation of foreign customers.

From an economic point of view, this first semester 2014 has appeared positive: the revenue growing compared with the same period of the year before, while the budget estimated for the opening of new yards has been in line with the estimated costs. The major costs due to the plants less active have been balanced out by the growing of the yards in the others plants. The new politics of prices and contractual conditions are meeting the pleasure by customers and now they result competitive.
The job done during this first semester has been positive. The aims for the second semester 2014 will be oriented to stabilize the new yards at the north of Italy identifying additional professionals of value. In adding, at the SATA plant and at the Melfi spin-off will be put aside resources necessary for the production of the 2 new models In the same time, at the 2^ semester, will be started the new courses for not destructive controls. Thanks you for your attention and we invite you to follow us on social channels.

  • Logo Punto Netto
  •   59th Largo Ponte Ferriera
         83100 Avellino - Italy
  •   Phone +39 0825 45 18 30
  •   Mobile +39 335 7763593
  •   Metrological Laboratory
         Via dei Gerani, 5/9
         70026 Modugno BA - Italy
  •   Tel/Fax +39 080 531 18 35
  • Punto Netto


Punto Netto di Griso Gaetano s.r.l. is a Company set up already in 1997 in the sector of services to metal and mechanical Companies. The experiences gained in twenty years led us to evolve in the activities of technical assistance and quality inspections, including non-destructive testing, at the most important Companies of automotive sector.

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certifications 9001:2015 certifications 45000:2018

