Making the point (between 2013 recently spent and 2014 just started)

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Making the point (between 2013 recently spent and 2014 just started)

The transition between one year and the other is inevitably the period in which is necessary to analyze things done and for ordering the things to do. What can we tell about 2013 of Punto Netto? So… we will have the final economic data only in May, with the official balance, but the analysis tell us that, also the year just spent, will be closed with a growth respect the previous year. Clearly we are happy and proud of this, especially if we think to the others competitors have experienced serious difficulties. That said, are critical points that leave thinking : first of all the trends FIAT in Italy continues to stagnate. Except for the plant in Pomigliano d' Arco, with the new Panda , others Fiat plant have seen confirmed, if not increased, the unemployment insurance. In these plants the demand , in addition to be weak , is also focused on the lower bracket of the services. Also most of our competitors are using only temporary workers without specific skills, to further reduce labor cost.

We have heard that some of these companies have made disasters , and we are not surprised. On our own choice we still do not use temporary workers , indeed preserve the extraordinary professional and human heritage of our people that we are sure will be the trump card when Fiat will come back to ask for value-added services and the market will return to be segmented. For 2014 Punto Netto can and has to continue the trend of growth and presence in the manufacturers plant , particularly in the industrial area of Bari, for which we will complete the investment plan agreed with the customers, from whom we receive approvals.

Another important aim for 2014 is to achieve OHSAS 18001 certification for the Safety, for the whole Punto Netto this point is very important. By this spring, after the whole 2013 spent to prepare ourselves with the maximum commitment, we will ask the certification visit. Third aim, but first in chronological order, 2014, will push our presence in the area Industrial of Piemonte with a dual purpose: to bring us closer to our many customers in Piemonte so they will be able to use our services directly into the headquarter, and cover our presence at the FIAT Mirafiori plant, at the VGV Verrone and at the Maserati Grugliasco. The first semester of 2014, we will intensify our presence in SATA Melfi plant to support the launch of new two SUVs, we wish it luck. I forgot! Continue to follow us on the new website, facebook pages, twitter and google+ that will be enriched constantly with new contents and in-depth analysis.

Thanks for your attention! Gaetano Griso

  • Logo Punto Netto
  •   59th Largo Ponte Ferriera
         83100 Avellino - Italy
  •   Phone +39 0825 45 18 30
  •   Mobile +39 335 7763593
  •   Metrological Laboratory
         Via dei Gerani, 5/9
         70026 Modugno BA - Italy
  •   Tel/Fax +39 080 531 18 35
  • Punto Netto


Punto Netto di Griso Gaetano s.r.l. is a Company set up already in 1997 in the sector of services to metal and mechanical Companies. The experiences gained in twenty years led us to evolve in the activities of technical assistance and quality inspections, including non-destructive testing, at the most important Companies of automotive sector.

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certifications 9001:2015 certifications 45000:2018

