With Punto Netto the perfect sorting!

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With Punto Netto the perfect sorting!

With Punto Netto the perfect sorting!

News: Anybody have strongly wanted to do a perfect thing knows this is very demanding: also things, simple apparently, ask you time, attention and care to detail to be successful without errors.
A simple sorting activity, like as a careful activity of technical analysis, demands dedication and attention: but to make it possible is necessary that the whole competence chain, from the operators / inspectors to the engineer, have to work with the major concentration and without to ignore the details. In Punto Netto we have quickly matured a clear idea, so we have received the compliments from certifying body, that as the first, valuated our management system: the work procedure was born thanks to our field experience, this does not come “from on high”, so to be efficient and simple. The first ingredient to perform a perfect quality checking inside the plant is the simplicity: our engineer and team leader work together on the working instruction for making it elementary. The experience shows us that a sorting activity performed with a clear and simple working instruction does not meet hitches.

The second ingredient to perform inspection without troubles is to check always the process and the product: the stories told us that the certainty / assurance of making not errors has brought a lot of our competitors to make errors heavy also. For this reason, today, Punto Netto guarantees ben 3 levels of control for every type of checking: the first is done by the shift operators / inspectors on the others every two hours, the second check is performed by the team leader and the team head, which are always present on the day pieces, and the third check is performed by the plant leader on the process. The third ingredient to make really complete and appreciate testing is the comprehension: at one side the comprehension of the service provider on the defect, and on the other side the comprehension of the real needs of customer and of plant. Our engineers residents compare with care and attention the parts with the technical drawing to verify the real defects: if they will be sure comply with the check list. Then, we know that every quality inspection has an aim, for this reason we carefully listen the requests and we try to satisfy it.

The fourth ingredient to correctly manage the parts flow between warehouses and production lines is to do a correct inventory of single parts and assembled parts and to collect all parts to check among warehouses, middle stock areas and work areas in one only working area putting in order the whole stock on the strength of the batch number and / or serial number and also for production date and / or delivery date. For this delicate phase, when in the plant all material is in moving, we of Punto Netto have written a specific operative instruction that details the management flows, the right identification of parts and of packaging. The fifth ingredient to guarantee the quantity necessary to the production line is: to provide the appropriate staff to cover not the minimum requirement but to cover the maximum requirement net of consolidate waste percentage. In adding, to speed up the sorting activity, already by time, we set, inside absorption edge of the plant, the daily target of checked parts until del daily requirement. This allows to who use the Punto Netto services to be absolutely calm e to program own production without limits.

The final ingredient, our strong point, is our advanced web system Qua.Sy.Mod. that performs various checks able to generate alerts that allows the identification of possible criticality. Our plant leader and our customers will be advised when the quality gate on NOK parts are exceeded, also on specific defect, at the same time Qua.Sy.Mod. will advise if the whole activity is arrived at the number of parts planned, and / or the checking are overpassing the limit of time, decided in advance. To know, in advance, the turn of a sorting action, or of a multi-defects checking, or a testing with a technical analysis. This system allows to modulate the right answers also for customers that have to manage the internal actions. The ensemble of all these elements has permitted, in these years, at Punto Netto to manage thousands of activities, also complicated, in a perfect way and receiving a lot of esteems from customers that are suggesting to others to choice our services. In this article we have put the attention on the quality checking, but we must to remind that Punto Netto is a service provider with a large range of services after sorting: we can manage the NOK parts with reworking action also by qualified partners.

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  • Punto Netto


Punto Netto di Griso Gaetano s.r.l. is a Company set up already in 1997 in the sector of services to metal and mechanical Companies. The experiences gained in twenty years led us to evolve in the activities of technical assistance and quality inspections, including non-destructive testing, at the most important Companies of automotive sector.

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certifications 9001:2015 certifications 45000:2018

